Monday, 26 November 2007

It's bin soo long...

Wow, I can't believe I actually miss writing on my blog. Well, I bet Nigel missed me... didn't u Nigel? ... Did u notice that 'u', I was going to change it but realised it makes a point. I've been doing this a lot when trying o write essays etc. I’m just so used to writing in text, msn and chat format and way of writing.... And i'm not proud of it! But it just shows how people, especially young people are in a way writing words in short and not even noticing it. It's becoming normal. My brother last week showed me an essay he wrote, his teacher had underlined in red all the short words he'd used and it was disgraceful.

Anyway... back to work, I really think this course is useful in outlining and making consciouse the theory, arguments and research into identity and virtual communities. We use them with out realising their effects on use. As I've said before, I just can't believe how much one is reliant on the Internet, My Space, Facebook, MSN etc (in their personal space) in ways to communicate with the outside world. I no for sure that I use the Internet to communicate with friends and family much more than using my phone. Its available, free, and quick so why not? But what annoys me about myself and I see it in other people as well, is the fact hat when their not using and online network, their on the phone or if not that then it's using text messages.

From notes from Chris Sams lectures on cyberspace, and academic reading from many books, (my favouiate) David Bell's intro to cybercultures, all this raises the issues about real life and and a virtual life, and face-to-face communications. It's nice to read and be able to relate academic theories into the way we as members of virtual spaces behave.

Anyway... it's 10:30am and I have a lecture. I’ll come back to this soon.

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