Sunday, 28 October 2007

1st Group Meeting / Ideas

Finally, I have some time to write in my blog... been so busy.

Well, the updates...
So far as a group we have meet up after going away and gathering some ideas.
Initially my peronsal ideas were:
- Exploring into why 'Virtual Communities' are so popular, what is the reason for the increase in websites developing like Hi 5, Windows Live, MySpace, Facebook, Blogs etc.
- Why does one have a 'MySpace' page or a 'Facebook'. (Personal and psychological reasons)
- Social Interaction issues: the effects of face to face vs online communication.
- The advantages and disadvantages of conline communications.
- Ownership and monopally capitalism issues.
- Identity, sucurity and critics. E.g. A case study of issues regarding paedophilia online etc.

However, after a small meeting sharing our ideas, Jana, presented us with a new mediated community that has developed. They are a French based community call 'Flurkids'. They are a group of young teenagers, very bright and active, into fashion and share the common interest of meeting up for big partys around the world.
By this meeting we dicided to focus our project on 'Flurkids' but still including and talking about the ideas I have memtioned above in regards to them.

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